CAPS Calendar
To find an area of interest, please select the event type in the left menu bar, event types are defined as such:
Grad-Prof: Programs offered specifically for Graduate and Professional students
Community Connections: Identity and experience based groups
RISE: Tritons RISE Together daily skill-building workshops
RISE-CCR: Eligible for Co-Curricular Record credit
Stress: Stress Management
Anxiety: Anxiety Management
Depression: Sad mood/Depression
Relationships: Loneliness/Relationship Difficulties
Academics: Academic Challenges/Procrastination/Focus/Motivation
Identity Exploration: Racial/Ethnic/Sexual/Gender Identity
Grief and Loss: Grief/Loss
LGBTQ: Programs for individuals who identify as Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer+
BIPOC: Programs for individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color, including APIMEDA (Asian/Pacific Islander/Middle Eastern/Desi American)
International Students: Programs for International Students
Yoga: Free CAPS/Recreation Yoga Class
Mindfulness and Meditation: Free Mindfulness Meditation Class